There is a lot of buzz surrounding the word “culture” and its significance in an organization. Culture is built on a company’s mission and core values. It represents what a company stands for, both within its walls and to the outside world.
If a company lacks a solid mission and goal, or has strayed away from its original mission, then it’s difficult to have all your efforts line up. This affects people at every level of management. On the other hand, if your entire team is aligned towards a clear common purpose, that drives them to work dedicatedly no matter where they’re sitting, or how they’re scheduling their work.
Office design is a crucial element that must also reflect the company culture. But to no surprise, here is where most companies face challenges.
Organizational heads are often too deeply involved in the day-to-day operations of a company and dealing with larger questions like revenue to be able to spare time towards a well-designed office space.
In cases like these, the easiest option to go with is to let a professional office space provider handle the office requirements leaving you free to focus on your priorities.
When it comes to envisioning your office space, keep the following six points in mind:
- Every organization has a distinct personality, whether intentional or accidental. Clarify your organization’s purpose and communicate this with your shared office space provider — how do you want them to distil it into a space that reflects your set of values? A glitzy floor-to-ceiling multimedia display or a touch of greenery- what sounds best for you?
- Say for example, if your company markets activewear and your marketing campaigns emphasize joy and fun, it does not make sense to have a formal office ambience. Instead, prefer a contemporary look and feel, with brighter colors and built-in features that inspire movement.
Bringing the inside and outside together reinforces that sense of purpose while motivating people to do their best.
- Most people want to be a part of something larger themselves, so why not make it easy? Think of a dynamic café space, casual work lounges or collaboration benches, most of which is what attracts enterprises to state-of-the-art coworking spaces.
This might just spur accidental encounters, instant collaboration, and cultivate a “we’re all in this together” feeling.
- It happens all the time: A company invests in an excellent workplace for its particular workforce, and it works very well. Fast-forward to five or ten years later, the design appears outdated. This may give off the impression that your company has stopped moving forward.
Commit to refreshing the workplace periodically to maintain a high engagement level for each incoming generation of workers. It does not mean a complete overhaul, but a selective update to key features or colour schemes.
- There is nothing more disappointing than enjoying a dynamic and exciting lobby, only to find bland rows of cookie-cutter cubicles inside the office. Instead, consider all spaces to be deserving of attention, whether inside, outside, public or private, shared or individual.
Do you want your team to be sitting in a certain way? Does that help improve the workflow? Modern shared office spaces can also help customize every aspect of your entire workspace.
- How easy or difficult is it to actually work in the space? You might be surprised how often companies neglect checking out for essentials like ensuring enough power outlets. Pay attention to where restrooms are located and how often they are cleaned.
Enquire if there’s a mobile app that employees can use to reserve a workplace or meeting room, or request a computer repair. Concierge services are also making a comeback, enabling employees to take care of life and fun without skipping a beat during their workday.
The fact is, office design and workplace practices more
Coworking, Private Offices, Custom Built, Dedicated Desk, Hot Desk, Virtual Offices & Meeting Rooms
We are a growing community of inspired professionals who work in creative & innovative spaces. Our vibrant business ecosystem offers flexible office plans, seamless connectivity and security. We are a contemporary workspace, A playground for minds, a powerhouse for brands.
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